Page 24-25 - Hashalom May 2017(electronic)

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May 2017
By Cheryl Unterslak
When DIVOTE did the appeal for those in Israel who lost their homes and belongings in the fires the response was incredibly generous from
the whole country.
One of the DIVOTE special donors, donated a lot of brand new designer shoes which we sent to Israel and the recipients young and old were
so happy to receive them. There were extra shoes and these were then distributed to some of the DIVOTE families who have been in piguim
(under terror attacks) and who needed shoes.
Members of our DIVOTE team in Israel reported back about how happy all the children and adults were with their new shoes which they said
were “so cool”. Below are some photos of some people who have been injured with the shoes they were given.
Those that donate to DIVOTE really do make a difference to the lives of those in Israel who have suffered from acts of terrorism and they
can all feel the support that comes from the South African community.
Without the donation we could not spread the love, dignity and comfort to these families.
One can donate money to DIVOTE in lieu of a gift for someone’s wedding. Bar/batmitzvah etc., and DIVOTE will send them a letter stating
that the donation was made in their name and who it is from and the gift will have their name attached to it. Please feel free to contact me
cheryl @
By Gilad Friedman
Purim 5777 was themed inside out/back to front. Purim saw 8 megilah readings and a record attendance at the
festive meal. This year the shuls partnered with JDSS for matanot le’evyonim.
A huge thank you to Michelle Nathan and Gary Plen for driving this incredible day.