Page 16-17 - Hashalom May 2017(electronic)

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May 2017
Union of Jewish Women of South Africa – Durban branch.
This report has to align with our financial year and therefore begins in April.
* UJC Funday – was that with the UJW hosting games for the young & not so young.
* Time was spent visiting the Denis Hurley Centre. What an amazing facility.
* “Manning” the shwarma/hot chips stall at the Communal Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration
* We held our 78th AGM, once again, in the Seminar Room of the Durban
Holocaust Centre. Mary Kluk, National President of the South Africa Jewish Board of Deputies gave interesting details of the World
Jewish Congress meeting and of the ongoing efforts of the Board to combat anti-Semitism.
* Our 5th Card Morning in memory of Maureen Baitz z’l was another great success and eats provided at tea of the usual scrumptious
* Peanut butter was used to make 100’s of sandwiches on Mandela Day. The support from our Community was overwhelming and
the sandwiches very gratefully received by many schools, children’s homes & facilities dealing with the homeless.
* Our Annual Charity Golf Day has become an “institution” on the golfing calendar. The 28th having being held in perfect conditions
with players competing to win the first prize of a mid-week stay at Umzolozolo Lodge. We are grateful for the ongoing support of
our generous sponsors, donors and players. Our 29th Golf Day will be on 31st August 2017.
* The UJW provided the Cycalive team with their “welcome to Durban” refreshments at the braai hosted by the South African Jewish Board of
Deputies – KZN Council.
* Brookdale Secondary School was visited with Sue Barnes of the Dignity Project, to hand out “subz pads” to the young girls. Books donated by Beth
Shalom were delivered.
* Another enjoyable pre- Yomtov Braai was hosted by the Union of Jewish Women at Beth Shalom for the residents, Masadaniks and committee
* At the Wizo Yomtov Market the Union sold a variety of teiglach and other treats.
* On behalf of the Union, Andy Bernstein hosted a Shiur given by Gilad Friedman.
* Open Air School prize giving mornings were attended as the Union sponso subject awards to learners at both Junior and Senior levels.
* Representatives attended the NEC meeting in Johannesburg which included the celebration of the Unions 85th Birthday.
: * The 2016 Shabbos Project UJW Challah Bake was simply WOW. Well done to Andy and Tanya for arranging a truly inspiring event with Robyn
Smookler leading the way. Watch for details of the 2017 UJW Challah Bake which promises to be as good.
* For Mitzvah Day 2016 the Union again hosted a special morning tea and entertainment at Beth Shalom with guests from the Issy Geshen
Lamont Home attending.
* The younger generation at the Claire Ellis Brown school were given treats and toys and games donated to the school. The “thank you “ songs
were a delight!
* Gemilut Chassadim awards in memory of Jean Kluk z’l given to learners at Akiva College and Eden College and for enthusiastic participation
at Talmud Torah.
* Preparation continued for the Women of Courage function hosted in memory of Zelda Moshal z’l.
* Friendship Club Birthday and Bingo morning held.
* Strange as it seems listening to Women of Courage relate their traumatic stories was really inspiring. Our thanks to John & Brian Moshal for
sponsoring the event.
Akiva College ( formally UJDS):
Gemilut Chassadim Award in memory of Jean Kluk z’l awarded.
Botanic Gardens Kiosk
- Our sincere thanks to the dedicated band of volunteers who undertake monthly duties to help raise funds for
Chesterville Schools Association
– cleaning supplies donated each term & treats supplied for end of year party attended by several members of the Durban
- Gifts of clothing sent each year to Israel & a donation made to the emergency appeal
– Pesach & Rosh Hashanah vouchers to the value of R50,000 donated to clients.
Domino Foundation
- weekly sandwich making for distribution to schools, end of year gift bags for rural school learners, containing food and toys, donated
Durban Holocaust Centre -
sandwiches and juice donated to students from rural schools when they tour the DHC.
Eden College
– Annual Gemilut Chassadim Award in memory of Jean Kluk z’l
Friendship Club
– monthly Bingo/Birthday meetings at Beth Shalom as well as pre Yomtov braai for residents, Masadaniks and invited guests.
General donations
including food, stationery, clothing and toys given to given to CHOC, the Umduduzi Project and children’s homes and “safe houses”.
Jabula School
– provisions donated monthly, end of year party treats provided
Jewel House–
project to supply a gift and birthday cake to each resident continues .
Ladies’ Shiurim
– with Gilad Friedman
Open Air School
– Prizes donated at end of year in Senior and Junior phases
Project 10
– Fridge & other items sponsored for the Israeli volunteers in our Community.
Robin Hood Foundation
– assist all the projects – Love the Babies, Bless a Gran/pa
Talmud Torah
– award for commitment and participation in the programme continued
The generous support of our members, our community and the general community is acknowledged with gratitude. It is this recognition of the importance of
all our endeavours which makes our efforts worthwhile.
We would welcome your participation in any of our projects. If you need further information please do not hesitate to call – 031 3354457 or email ujwdbn@ and we will get back to you.
I thank the Union committee for their support and dedication to our organisation. It is the commitment of this amazing group of ladies which makes everything
not only possible but successful. My sincere thanks to each one of them.
Grateful thanks to Evelyn Cohen for her dedication and to Maisie Shevil and Yvonne Haviland for keeping our finances in order.
Tessa Goldreich
Executive Chair
Women of Actiom