Page 18-19 - Hashalom May 2017(electronic)

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May 2017
By Norma Bloch
Eden College
Radio Eden Air du cate broadcasting live from Eden School, Purim day, 2017. We interrupt our regular broadcast to give you
this breaking news just in. Our roving reporters, Daniel and Kayleigh, have just been informed that Queen Esther has revealed
that she is in fact Jewish, and that she was the one who foiled evil Haman’s plan to annihilate the Jewish Nation. We can
now report that Queen Esther has in fact saved the Jewish nation!!!! There is great excitement and celebrations. Children are
shouting and singing in the halls and passages! Some are even rushing onto the field and are beginning to transform it into
a fun-fare in order to continue the celebratory atmosphere. We can see that the Grade 6 classes are busy setting up stalls
with challenging and exciting games for all to play. We can hear loud sounds of delight and glee coming from the Jumping
Castles, as pupils wait patiently for their turns. The pre-primary is also celebrating with fancy dress costumes, face painting
and other fun activities.
What an important day! All we can say, is that the only fitting ending to such a successful outcome is to give everyone a
delicious hamentashen to enjoy!
Breaking news!!